

发布时间: 2024-05-10 00:10:34北京青年报社官方账号





As well as leading the Chinese cycling resurgence, Hangzhou is home to an innovative way to encourage more sustainable lifestyles, with an app that is helping to stop desertification, cut air pollution and plant millions of new trees.


As the major investor in the continent, China of course follows closely Africa's possible debt risks. And we also care about the safety of our investment. That is why we have been very serious with the feasibility study of each and every investment and financing project, making sure that the project is profitable, sustainable, and that the recipient is able to service debt. Giving out free loans without thinking about debt repayment and reasonable profits, any financial institutions in the world will go bankrupt. China is no exception.


As the foreign trade environment becomes more complex, the central government will adopt fiscal, taxation, financial and insurance policies to help ease operational pressures on companies, consolidate their presence in traditional markets and explore the potential of emerging markets, Commerce Minister Zhong Shan said on Saturday.


As the five nurses were conducting a physical exam on Li as he lay on a bed, Li kicked a male nurse, surnamed Mei, who immediately retaliated and struck the patient, the Xishan district procuratorate said.


As the main driver of China's economic growth, consumption also picked up its growth momentum compared to the previous two months, contributing 65.1 percent to Q1 economic growth. Online retail sales and consumption in rural areas were robust. With tax cut measures to take effect in the following months, further consumption potential is to be unleashed.


