

发布时间: 2024-05-09 22:05:03北京青年报社官方账号





As each participant in the new mobile payment platform has its own interests, the value of the platform lies in how UnionPay will coordinate the interests of multiple commercial banks and the bankcard association itself, Zhao said.


As a birder and a conservationist, Lu is fascinated by beeeaters. Every year since 2010, from March to July, hundreds of bird-watchers from across China come to see them.


As for a country, its foreign exchange regime should serve the economic growth model, help to adjust prices of import and export goods, balance the development of internal and external sectors while reducing trade imbalances. Also, the regime should promote the currency's internationalization.


As for the EU, the BIT negotiations will bring the negative list management model, thus enlarging market access to China, and will enhance the protection of EU investment in China and legal certainties of EU investors' status in China.


As a centenarian in Tibet autonomous region, Sonam Drolma, 109, has witnessed many changes in the Roof of the World. Sonam began to work for a serf-owner when she was 15 years old. As a serf, she went through trials and tribulations for nearly a half century. After democratic reform in Tibet in 1959, she was freed from feudal serfdom. Sonam went on to own land, a house and cattle and she became her own master. Since reform and opening-up, Sonam's daughter Tsering Zompa has become the backbone of the family and Tsering has strived to help the whole family lead a comfortable life. Nowadays, Sonam's family has nearly 100,000 yuan (.134) of annual income and owns a comfortable and large new house.


